
we are called to be…


we live out this

calling through…


We Belong…

A church, where together we…

Encounter Christ

Are Changed By Christ

Introduce Christ to Others


Devotion to Scripture
The Bible is God’s living and authoritative word spoken to us, and we know true freedom and joy as we submit to its story and teaching.

Sacramental Worship
When we gather consistently together for services of Word and Sacrament, we experience in a unique and powerful way Christ’s renewing presence, which transforms the way we live, the way we think, and the way we view ourselves and the world.

Fostering Connection
To grow fully into the calling that God has placed on our individual lives, we strive to selflessly give to and humbly receive from one another and our neighbors.

Trusting the Abundance of God
We step out in trust and dependence on God to fulfill His mission, knowing that He can do more than we ask or imagine.

The Blessing of Children
Children are full members of our community. They richly bless us with their presence and we seek to bless them through intentional investment in our life together.

The Witness of Generosity and Hospitality
We make God’s love for all people known, especially the poor and marginalized, by practicing sacrificial giving and unconditional welcome following Christ’s example.

Cultivating Art and Beauty
As we offer opportunities for people to experience, create, and engage with art, the Lord will empower us as a community of disciples and strengthen our witness to a lost world deeply hungry for both beauty and its ultimate source.

Celebrating Vocation
We celebrate all the ordinary and extraordinary vocations God has granted each of us and seek to rightly order our responsibilities so that our homes, workplaces, communities and church may flourish as God uses us to be His hands and feet.

To a Movement of Churches Planting a Revival of Word and Sacrament Infused by the Holy Spirit